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Can You Survive A Horror Movie?

Here’s your chance. Lets just see if you would actually live past the first 10 minutes of the movie.

You're home alone at night and you hear something moving upstairs. You:
run screaming for the nearest door
grab a butchers knife and go investigate
it's probably just the cat, and continue what you're doing



You're driving home at night on a dark street with forest on both sides of the road. You see a person walking down the street. You:
stop the car.
scream and put the pedal to the medal
keep going the same speed limit but steer clear of the guy



You have the feeling someone is following you as you walk home. You:
quickly duck behind the garbage bin.
stop to tie you're shoes. You're probably just imagining it
start screaming and run for your life



You're camping with your best friend and you see a shadow from inside your tent. You:
scream and dive into your sleeping bag
grab the pepper spray your mom gave you and go outside to see what it is
think it's just the trees and go to sleep



You're asleep and having a nightmare about a scary man trying to kill you.

realize it's just a dream so you don't even try to get away
start screaming in your dream. Hey, maybe it will scare that scary man
focus all your concentration on trying to wake up



You and your boyfriend/girlfriend are alone at night. He/she says something really freaky to you and gets this weird glint in their eye. You:
slowly reach for the pocket knife in your back pocket
start laughing, they're just trying to see if they can scare you!
scream and turn around to run



The phone rings while you're home alone and a raspy voice says "Your time has come" then hangs up.
You angrily hang the phone up.
run around the house locking every door .
start screaming and dive under the bed



You are watching a scary movie alone at night. Someone knocks on the front door. You:
scream and throw the blankly over your head
get up and answer the door. It's probably your parents
lock the door to the room you're in and grab the metal lamp



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Can You Survive A Horror Movie?

I'm %%personality%%


But I'm also %%personality%%



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